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How to Lose Tummy Fat in 2 weeks

How to Lose Tummy Fat in 2 weeks

You must have heard many recipes and tips to lose weight but surely you are not familiar with this natural and simplest recipe which can be called the magic recipe for weight loss. Basically, the reason for this ignorance is that we often pay more attention to rare and hard-to-find items, but do not consider cheap and easily available items worthy of attention.

How to Lose Tummy Fat in 2 week - Cure no 1

how to lose tummy fat in 2 weeks
how to lose tummy fat in 2 weeks

If you consume a handful of chickpeas daily at four o'clock in the evening, you can reduce cholesterol and lose weight significantly without any harm. 
The protein and iron present in it reduce obesity as well as prevent weakness caused by it. That is, they increase physical strength but not weight. 
A Rich in fiber but low in fat, bean sprouts are rich in protein
It is an excellent source of iron. Its regular use prevents constipation and helps control cholesterol.

How to Lose Tummy Fat in 2 week - Cure no 2

Items as required
  • Black cumin \ nigella       50 grams
  • Lemon extract                 enough to soak 
How to use 
  • Place the nigella in a glass bowl and add enough juice to cover the nigella in the juice. go
  • Then keep it covered. When the nigella is dry, powder it and store it in a blue bottle. And take a pinch every night before going to bed. 
  • Along with this,  must also do the exercise to reduce the stomach. 
  • Be very careful in the matter of food too. Avoid sweet and greasy things.

Weight loss in 2 weeks

How to Lose Tummy Fat in 2 week- Cure no 3

The main reason for the success of this natural recipe is due to the join qualities that are rarely found in anything else. Nature has made it extremely effective against constipation. It has been proven by nature to be extremely effective in the treatment of constipation and digestive disorders.

Its water cleanses the stomach, alleviates constipation, and aids digestion. his
As a result, the food is well digested, reducing constipation and bloating, especially in the stomach. The extra fat around your stomach is dissolved. According to studies carom water can help you lose 6 kg in just two weeks. It is also very simple to prepare and apply.

Carom Seed water 
  • Soak a piece of carom seeds in water overnight, then boil it in the morning, strain it, and drink the remaining water.
  • Drink carom seed water on an empty stomach and wait about an hour before eating anything.
  • After that, you can resume your normal diet.
  • If you want to improve your results, drink this water one hour before each meal.

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